Welcome to Simple GIS Tutorials page. This page contains several videos and tutorials covering the creation and editing of features in your Simple GIS Client project. Tutorials cover from the very basic editing functionality to the advanced functions as wellas creating custom data forms to display and edit feature data.
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This video will demonstrate the new capability available in the Simple GIS Client Version 12.1.1 release that allows users to design custom data pop-up forms for tables they have linked to their shapefile or vector layer's custom data form. This is a powerful tool allowing users to create custom pop-up forms for recording data such as inspections for a given feature. In addition, users can also link to external documents (spreadsheets, pdf, photos, etc.) just as they can in the normal custom form designer except in this case, the documents will be linked to a specific record in the linked table. So as an example, if a field user was performing an inspection for a piece of equipment in your GIS and wanted to link to photographic documentation of the inspection, they can easily do that in Simple GIS. Version 12.1.1 also introduces a new calendar form control that allows the user to pick a date from a calendar and store in a field in their shapefile or linked table record. There are also new options to allow the program to manage all of your document links which will place any linked documents or photos in appropriate subfolders under the root of your shapefile and manage these folders for you which helps significantly in data portability.
Raster imagery can come from a variety of sources including satellite, aerial imagery, drone imagery, or even scanned historical imagery. If you want to use imagery in your GIS mapping software, it must first be georeferenced. Georeferencing raster imagery involves assigning coordinates of a mapping coordinate system to pixel loactions in a raster image and is required if you are wanting to consume raster imagery in GIS Software for visualization or analysis. Simple GIS Client makes georeferencing your imagery data simple and easy with point and click functonality. Great for georeferencing imagery that is not currently referenced to a mapping coordinate system or even making small adjustments for imagery that may already be georeferenced. The video tutorial to the left will cover the steps required to georeference imagery in Simple GIS Client
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