GIS Tutorials - Map Publication in Simple GIS Client
Welcome to Simple GIS Tutorials page. This page will cover several tutorials on how you can produce professional quality maps from Simple GIS Client.
Publishing Maps in Simple GIS CLient
This video GIS tutorial will demonstrate the basic functionality of publishing maps in Simple GIS Client using the new map templates introduced in version 10.
Topics Covered
Creating a map document from a map template.
Adding a map reference grid
Exporting maps to graphic files and PDF documents
Creating a map book with overview and legend.
Adding Feature Layer Attribute Tables to your Map Document
Adding and displaying select information from a feature layers' attribute table directly on to your map document can be useful to convey additional information about the features displayed in your map. This tutorial will demonstrate the new Map Table object functionality in Simple GIS Client 10.1.1
Topics Covered
Creating a map document from a map template
Adding and configuring a map table document on to your map.
Adding a Chart to your Simple GIS Client Map
Graphing select information from a feature directly on to your map document can be useful and more effective to convey additional information about the features displayed in your map. This tutorial will demonstrate the new Map Chart object functionality in Simple GIS Client 10.2
Topics Covered
Adding and configuring a map chart object on to your map.
Adding Insets to a Published Map Document
This tutorial convers adding multiple map insets to a published map document.
Topics Covered
Creating a published map document
Adding inset map viewports to published map document.
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